Here, we tell you how to apply UGC to your content strategy efficiently so that you can improve your CTRs and double your sales.
How to apply UGC to your content strategy
UGC or user generated content (User Generated Content) is a term that refers to material produced and shared voluntarily by users on the Internet through social networks and other media. This phenomenon is a reflection of a satisfactory and genuine relationship that the customer has established with a brand or product and reflects an interest in sharing their opinion with the community. Likewise, it is (or should be) an essential part of a content marketing strategy.
Especially in Mexico and Latin America, UGC has become a powerful marketing and promotion tool. Because? Because it provides authenticity and connectivity to advertising campaigns and the interaction between brands and their audience. There are many cases of companies that have used their UGC to consolidate their brand and boost their sales. We will show you several examples. And if you can think of any more, please mention them in the comments. The more examples of UGC we have, the better because they will surely serve as inspiration.
Many examples of how to apply UGC to your content strategy.
For example, Corona, a well-known Mexican beer brand. This has been the subject of numerous publications in which consumers share photos of their moments of relaxation and fun with a bottle of Corona in hand, enjoying beaches or sunsets, thus creating a direct association between the product and the concept of enjoyment.
Likewise, Rappi, the popular home delivery application originally from Colombia. This startup has seen how many of its users share positive experiences on social networks, showing their orders, fast delivery times or even funny anecdotes with their delivery people. And this they have achieved in a very economical way. To do this, they have invested in product and have had a very clear vision of what they wanted to achieve.
But what is the UGC format like? It can be very different. The format of UGC varies depending on the platform and user. So, it could be a video on TikTok or Snapchat where someone shows how they use a product; a photograph on Instagram that highlights the aesthetics of an item; a text on Twitter (Now “X”) that narrates a customer experience or even a combination of these elements in a Facebook post or a Reel. The limits are your own imagination. There are a lot of UGC formats and there will be more and more.
¿Cuánto cuesta el UGC?
El contenido generado por el usuario puede ser totalmente gratuito o puede no serlo. Muchas marcas han estado vivas y por eso han encontrado distintas maneras de colaborar y compensar a sus usuarios a cambio de este contenido. Por ejemplo, algunas marcas ofrecen descuentos, un canje por producto o incluso una pequeña contraprestación a cambio de poder utilizar los contenidos generados por los usuarios en sus redes sociales o hasta en su estrategia de paid media. Las posibilidades vienen limitadas por la propia imaginación y recursos de las marcas (y de sus equipos de marketing).
¿Cuáles son las claves para implementar una estrategia de UGC efectiva?
1. Value and empower your community:
First, UGC is not just a marketing tool; It is a genuine testament to the value they find in your brand. By valuing this content, recognizing and thanking those who share it, you reinforce trust and generate an environment of mutuality and appreciation. Thus, when you are going to apply UGC to your content strategy, be very clear about what your objective is. Your goal is to empower your community.
Example: A clothing brand like Levis that shares photos of its customers using its products on its social networks, thanking them for their trust and loyalty, generates a stronger bond with them.
2. Gain visibility, differentiate yourself and collaborate with Local Influencers:
Second, authenticity is a valuable currency in the digital world. By combining UGC with local collaborations, you not only gain visibility but also offer a fresh and genuine point of view to your audience. This allows you to clearly distinguish yourself from brands that use generic content. And this is especially important in Latin America, so tropicalize the content!
Example: Walmart that collaborates with a Mexican influencer, taking advantage of their authentic content, will stand out from its competitors and connect more genuinely with its audience.
3. Optimize contact points, KPIs and define your objectives:
Third, UGC cannot be random. It must be intentional. It is essential to analyze how and where this content can best fit. Likewise, how it can be aligned with business objectives to obtain tangible results.
Example: A Japanese restaurant. By including photos of dishes taken by your customers on your website, you can improve your engagement and define clearer conversion goals based on those interactions.
4. Focus on relevant platforms and look for comprehensive solutions:
Fourth, success in UGC is not about being everywhere, but about being where your audience is. And to do it well! Furthermore, it is vital to have solutions that facilitate the management, monitoring and analysis of this content.
Example: A makeup brand that decides to boost its presence on Instagram and TikTok using tools that monitor and analyze UGC to improve its strategy on those platforms. This is being used by some e-commerce in the US and Mexican companies like Liverpool are beginning to carry out small tests on their website.
5. Prioritize privacy and moderate content:
However, even though UGC offers authenticity, it is crucial to ensure that privacy regulations are respected and that the content shared is appropriate and in line with brand values. Otherwise, you might get into trouble. So if you want to use the content, you better be prepared to compensate the user for it. And compensate for it fairly but sustainably. Don’t be overly generous but don’t be mean either!
Example: An app that requests permission from its users before sharing their testimonials in its marketing campaign. This practice ensures that personal information remains protected. In exchange they get a discount on their next purchase. Does it make sense? Can you think of more examples?
6. Listen, learn from your audience and encourage the creation of quality content:
Additionally, UGC is not just content, it is also feedback. Analyzing this content can offer insights into what your audience values, what they search for, and how they perceive your brand. So it is essential to compile and analyze the data. And obviously, interpret it correctly.
Example: A fitness company (Smart Fit). After analyzing the training videos and photos shared by its users, it decides to launch a series of tutorials based on the most popular routines.
7. Integrate UGC into Paid Media strategies:
Although UGC is organic in nature, it can be extremely effective when integrated into paid advertising campaigns. This offers a combination of authenticity and reach. And it can help generate better CTRs and conversion rates.
Example: A brand of New Balance sneakers. It uses authentic photos of its customers in its paid ads, achieving higher click rates by offering a real and reliable image of the product.
8. Design specific community-focused campaigns:
UGC is much more effective when incentivized strategically and over the long term. Community-focused campaigns can unleash a flood of high-quality, genuine content.
Example: A coffee brand (Juán Valdez). It launches a contest where it invites its followers to design the next label for a limited edition, encouraging creativity and active participation in the community. This always works.
9. Take advantage of the potential of UGC video:
In this regard, in the digital age, video is king. Therefore, it is important that you encourage your community to share their experiences in video formats.
These are more attractive, shareable and have a high viral potential. Therefore, we recommend that you use a lot of UGC video.
Example: A tourism company that encourages its clients to share videos of their travel experiences, offering discounts for the most voted, thus promoting the creation of authentic and visually attractive content. This is essential for companies of this type, especially when your audience is Latino.
10. Strengthen long-term commitment to your community:
Lastly, community is very important and UGC should not be understood as a one-time tactic, but rather a long-term strategy. Continually nurturing and strengthening this relationship can result in a loyal and engaged community.
Example: A music platform (Spotify style) that recognizes and rewards its most active and participatory users, thus strengthening long-term relationships and loyalty.

Tips for applying UGC to your content strategy:
With these keys, backed by the power of UGC, your content strategy can be transformed, generating authenticity and building a lasting bond with your community.
There are many companies around the world that already use UGC strategies and have managed to shine by differentiating themselves from their competition. To do this, they have effectively involved the community and built a loyal audience in love with their brands. And this is what differentiates some companies that stand out from others that don’t. Getting a community that supports and loves your brand is the best thing you can do.
Finally, we leave you a video as an example. Published on Motion’s YouTube channel, under the title “Sprints with Evan: UGC Creative Strategy for Profitable Growth,” this content outlines the importance of UGC as a creator of value and growth for your brand. In the first moments, the video presenter clarifies what UGC is and its relevance in the field of marketing. Below, examples of brands that have achieved success by incorporating this methodology in their advertising campaigns are highlighted.
Undoubtedly, this video shows a clear and pragmatic vision of how to fully exploit the potential of UGC. And what did you think? Would you add anything? Can you think of more examples or tips for applying UGC?
In short, UGC is a powerful strategy that allows brands to authentically connect with their audience, build trust, and improve their online presence. These examples show how it is possible to connect with your audiences through organic content generated by your own users.
As a result, you will be able to scale your business and multiply your sales. And all this, without large investments. The only thing you need is to give your community time.
If you want to know more about UGC and how to implement it in your business, do not hesitate to contact us. At AMPLI we will help you create content and take your marketing strategy to the next level. Leave your comments below if you want to tell us how you apply UGC to your content strategy. The community will thank you.